Cottage Living…It’s a Thing

A Cottage Life

This Life Blog isn’t about living in a cottage. Moving into and living in one for over two years has been the inspiration for creating this space.

I have been sitting on this unpublished website for almost one year trying to create a focus, theme, content etc…

This morning I decided to just start writing. If we’re lucky we can create a community that will help us grow this space. This is a big statement for me. First, I am letting you know that I want to become a better writer. Second, creating a community that would require me to reach out and connect with others is for me, facing a fear. I am a card carrying, 100 percent introvert. Recently I have started to dig deep and embrace this fact and all it encompasses. I imagine a large part of this blog will be learning, sharing, researching this topic. For now, I know this. I like this about myself now that I know the true definition. It’s a gift, with perks, and I am looking forward to unpacking all that it means to me and others.

If anyone is interested in delving deeper into this topic I recommend: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain.

I was living as an introvert using the wrong definition. Now that I have switched my mindset from negative to positive, it has presented new opportunities and led me to a path of a intentional life. A life with meaning and worthwhile goals.

I was already in a “Fresh New Start” phase but without a purpose or direction. Now I have ideas and goals that are focus driven with a much more clear path.


Simplicity… But there is a technique to this. I do not recommend throwing away everything you own. Ouch. Make a plan. Make it a plan with layers. Trust me. The therapy is in the process.

Yes Please…

Artistic/Creative Growth… Using less or no filters to view the world. To see everything more authentically.

Writing, but better… Improving writing skills to express my thoughts more effectively. Communicating verbally is difficult for me.

This is a safe space to nurture growth and discovery. There are 2 requirements:

KINDNESS: I am a freak about kindness, it matters, and most days it’s the only thing that matters.


HUMOR: Specifically Sarcasm, I like it, and I am good at it. I have learned from the best. Bring it.

Honestly, It wasn't that funny...

Honestly, It wasn’t that funny…

This space will grow to include more in depth content and discussions. Relevent articles, researched information and hopefully ideas, comments and new topics to explore. But today is about introductions.

Hello, I’m Missy. I write, knit, care and pay attention. What’s your super power?


